Below are some of the booking types accepted by Eka Suwara Santi and their respective details.
Do note that we do not charge for performances organized for charitable/religious organisations.
Do reach out to us at +65 9878 5874 for business inquiries and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to catch us at our latest events!

Dance Workshops
Basic or Advanced Class in Balinese Dance.
$300 per 1.5 hours per instructor.
For further arrangements or related inquiries, do contact us at
+65 9878 5874 (Irving)/+65 96446217 (Elly)

Lectures on Balinese dance/culture for educational institutions. Lectures are specifically tailored to the audience.
$300 per 1 hour lecture.
For further arrangements or related inquiries, do contact us at
+65 9878 5874

Group Dance Lessons/ Private Dance Lessons
For groups of more than 3 individuals.
​$130 per person for
6 sessions, 1.5 hours per session.
Individual lessons are $100 per hour.
For inquiries into dance classes, contact Irving +65 9878 5874 (male dances) or Elly +65 96446217 (female dances)

Make-Up & Costuming
(No Dance)
Costuming and make-up service for events.
$200 per person.
For further arrangements or related inquiries, please contact Elly at +65 96446217

Basic Balinese all-female Welcome Dance
Female dance performance for private/corporate events
​$300 per dancer per dance.
For performances organised by Community Centres, we offer a special discounted rate of $200 per dancer per dance.
NOTE: a fixed fee of $50 per hour applies to wait time between shows.
For further arrangements or related inquiries, please contact Elly at
+65 96446217

Non-Welcome Dances (male and female)
These include solo/paired male/female dances such as Topeng (masked dance), Legong, Jauk, Cenderawasih and Baris.
$350 per dancer per dance.
NOTE: a fixed fee of $50 per hour applies to wait time between shows.
For further arrangements or related inquiries, do contact us at
+65 9878 5874/+65 96446217

Rental of Balinese Dance Costumes/ Props
Rental Service for Balinese Dance Costumes or Balinese Props.
$300 per costume per day
(costume rentals have an additional deposit of $350 which will be returned to the client upon completion of rental period)
$300 per day for props
(prop rentals have an additional deposit of $350 which will be returned to the client upon completion of rental agreement)
For further arrangements or related inquiries, do contact us at
+65 9878 5874